Opinion: No More Refugees

Obama has proposed bringing thousands of Syrian refugees into America, and we must stop him.

Now, before you dismiss me as “racist” or “Islamophobic,” allow me to tell an inspirational story from history that resonates all too well today. In the years leading up to World War 2, we faced a similar refugee crisis. Starting around 1933, Jews poured out of Germany and other European countries.

Our country was already suffering through the worst years of the Great Depression, and we couldn’t afford to lose jobs to these Jews who, quite frankly, were too lazy to fix their own government. Sure, a few of them might die in Germany, but America must remain strong. Plus, any of them could be undercover Nazi spies.

The Federal Government put strict quotas on the number of immigrants allowed. Frances Perkins, the President’s bleeding-heart Secretary of Labor, proposed giving refugees immigration priority, but the President refused. A sign of true leadership.

In May 1939, a thousand refugees were smuggled on a ship called the MS St. Louis from Germany, heading for North America. Allowing these illegals into our country could potentially have lost a thousand American jobs.

But the American patriots stood their ground and refused to let the refugees onto American soil! If you think there’s a problem in Germany, we told them, go back and fix it yourself! After a few days of lurking in the waters off the coast of Florida, the ship finally turned around and took those Jews back to where they belonged. No one knows for sure what happened to those 937 undesirables, except that they weren’t leaching off tax-payer dollars.

Other refugees slipped through the cracks. Unfortunately, German scientists such as Albert Einstein, Otto Loewi, and Max Bergmann snuck into the country. We’ll never know for sure whether they were Nazi spies, but I certainly believe they were. Our country would have been better without them.

Let’s take a lesson from history, and say NO to refugees.


Bob Britten